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Thursday, September 23, 2004

Catholic Democrats?

I have been a Catholic for 7 1/2 years. I have been a Republican almost my entire life. As a Catholic, I am so disheartened to see fellow Catholics support a party and politicians that are so depressingly pro-death.

I noticed today that the Democratic Florida Supreme Court has struck down Terri's Law. The Pro-Life law that saved the life of a Terry Schiavo.,2933,133285,00.html

Time after time after time, DEMOCRATS are on the WRONG side of the Life debate, yet I see polls that say 50% of Catholics support pro-death candidates every election year.

HOW can you recieve God into your heart, and continue to support politicians who support the feminist view that Life begins when the mother says so?


Blogger CityKin said...

To answer your question:

Supporting a polititian is always a compromise. Bush has many policies that are against the church. And obviously the Holy Father spoke out strongly against the war in Iraq.

My wife had two miscarriages, both in the first trimester. It is much harder to have human attachment and love for an embryo the size of a pea, than it is for innocents killed in war, perhaps even for guilty men on death row.

I am opposed to abortion, but am abivalent to laws against them in the early stages of pregnancy. This is too personal of a matter for the state to be involved. The problem is, both sides see it a black and white (murder vs. an absolute personal choice).

September 24, 2004 at 9:06 AM  
Blogger Redneck Infidel said...

My wife and I also have had two miscarriages. Your comment about not loving that baby escapes me.

After our miscarriages we becaming STRONGER pro-life.

September 24, 2004 at 9:10 AM  
Blogger Anne said...

While Bush may hold positions not held by the church, the most important issue is life (not economics, education etc.), which he has a much closer position to the church than does Kerry. While I feel sorry for you and your wife's losses, those miscarriages were still children of God. Basically, you're saying that unless you "feel" an emotional connection with someone they're not human. I can tell you, as a mom of a one and three year old there are plenty of moments when a temper tantrum is in progress I don't feel particularly good about them at that moment!
As for laws regarding early stages of pregnancy, you say the government has no right to be involved, well the declaration of independence does say we all have the right to LIFE. It's the job of the government to protect life. And that right to life begins at conception and is not delayed until we see the baby's face in an ultrasound, feel it kick, hear a heartbeat, or until it's born.

September 24, 2004 at 9:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blah blah blah about the Declaration of Independence, which is not controlling or even relevant in the discussion of this nation's laws. The Constitution, however, which IS controlling, whether you like it or not, gives me the right to OWN MY OWN BODY, not you, not our federal government. And whether I like it or not, you really do have the right to do with your own body what you want - eat what you want, smoke what you want, pierce what you want, drink what you want, cut off what you want, free from interference by the federal government.

When the federal government, through its coercive threat of force, tells you what you can or cannot do with your body, you become a slave. Perhaps to a different degree and extent to what this nation typically thinks of as slavery (19th century and earlier), but a slave nonetheless. Section 1 Amendment 13 to the US Constitution prohibits slavery.

Furthermore, even if you reject that argument, the 9th and 10th Amendments read that any powers not expressly given to the federal govrenment are reserved to the states or to the people themselves. Only a handful of crimes are mentioned as relevant for the federal government in the US Constitution - treason, piracy, etc. Not murder. So even if you believe abortion to be murder, abortion simply is not within the realm of the federal government per the Constitution. Like recognition of same gender adult relationships, it necessarily must be a state by state issue.

While I'm not Catholic, I often ponder why people who consider themselves to be faithful Catholics, given the choice of a pro-choice John Kerry and a war hawk Bush who disregarded the Pope's message about Iraq, don't support Michael Peroutka for president. He is against the Iraq war and is 100% pro-life, all nine months, no exceptions. I mean, either you vote your conscience or you don't, right?


September 24, 2004 at 1:37 PM  
Blogger Redneck Infidel said...

But Davo, a human being living in your body is not a PART of your body. Anymore than a baby nursing is a part of your body. The living person inside your body has a different heart-beat, different brain-waves, and often times different blood types.

I am libertarian when it comes to all the things you listed. I am pro-coice on everything but murder

These babies have a RIGHT to Life.

September 24, 2004 at 1:52 PM  
Blogger CityKin said...

Are there degrees to this right to life? ie: who has more right to live?? the innocents killed in war, the convicted murderer in the electric chair, or the fist mutiplying cells in the first weeks after conception? You didn't answer this question. The difference between a suckling baby and a blastocyst are obvious. Destroying either is evil, however the degrees of evil are self evident to any thinking person. If all life is equal, then send the abortionist to trial for murder and while your at it send try GW Bush for murder too.

September 24, 2004 at 6:44 PM  
Blogger Redneck Infidel said...

I am against ending all life. I am against the death penalty, I am against euthanasia, I am against killing innocent babies in the womb. GW hasn't murdered anyone. To suggest he has is ridiculous. We have a VOLUNTEER army, and Iraq was involved in terrorism that was threatening us.

And before you start your liberal ranting, no he didn't sit down with Osama and plan 9-11. But he absolutely supported Terrorism and Terrorists. Anybody we stop from doing that "is just" in my opinion. Also the CIA, MI6, Putin, the UN, and the Clinton Administration all believed and told the Bush Admin that Saddam had WMD. To ignore that could have been a disaster.

If George Bush invades Canada for the prescription drugs, then we could talk about being an unjust war.

September 25, 2004 at 5:42 AM  
Blogger Steve Bogner said...

I'm a Republican, capitalist Catholic. I'm not all that impressed with Bush, but am less impressed with Kerry. The problem I have is that he says he is Catholic, yet he votes for pro-abortion legislation and accepts millions of $ from pro-abortion PACs. He either needs to come out and say he really is pro-choice, or he has to say that as a Democrat he has no choice but to be pro-choice. His current explanation for his voting record on abortion issues is nothing short of hypocrisy. I don't understand how someone is good conscience can say he is morally opposed to abortion and then act the way he has acted.

Now, I'm not saying Bush is perfect, or is not a hypocrite (all politicians are to a degree). His use of the death penalty in Texas is troublesome, and he is not against all forms of abortion.

September 26, 2004 at 8:09 PM  
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December 4, 2010 at 1:51 AM  

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