Democrats with Courage
As a pro-life Republican, I am always disappointed to see pro-death conservatives making headway in our party. Guys like George Pataki, Arlen Spector, Rudy Guiliani, Lincoln Chafee and sadly Catholic Susan Collins all go against their party on most pro-life issues, and choose to ignore the innocent voices in the womb.
As a Republican what I often forget is there are a number of Democrats that get "Five-Stars" when it comes to voting on pro-life issues. When you think about it these Democrats are being EXTREMELY courageous. Being pro-life in the Democrat Party can be politically crippling. Pro-life democrats were shutout of the convention in 2004, HOWEVER Harry Reid, a pro-life democrat has ascended to the Minority leader of the party. MAYBE this is a sign that pro-life voices will start to be heard with-in the party of the donkey.
Democrats for Life!'s website has a report card on voting records. On the Senate side these 3 Senators had a perfect pro-life record in the 108th congress.
Mark Pryor
Harry Reid
Ben Nelson
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